Personal Alchemy: from Burnout to Balance For Introverts

Photo by Mathew Schwartz

Your Happily Ever After starts here and now

You might have noticed that for the last couple of months I’m not active with new art and posting. Those of you who know me also know that in such cases I am deep diving into some big new endeavor.

To those of you not so familiar with me, let me present myself, and share with you what I’ve been up to lately. 

My name is Natalia, I am a pretty regular middle-aged woman, who has found a pretty irregular way to walk my path of the heart. 

I have spent some 20ish years in “perfect” business administration jobs and corporate offices, which have left me drained, bitter and in a classical state of burnout. This was a total NO for me. So I made a leap of faith, quit my last corporate job for good some 3 years ago, and gave way to what really lights up my heart – my art, and making my own spirituality a connection point for like-minded women around the world.

You can find the outcomes of my art choice at , and for about 6 months now, The Gaia Sisterhood FB group is the visible, vibrant proof that geography is no limit when women of the same high vibe share values and spirituality. Ladies, you are welcome to join too and find your feminine kin tribe there!

In the last few years, since I started to discover my own soul tribe, I also realised that I am not alone in my fight with burnout. Many of you have been, or are, just as stuck as me, and looking for effective ways out of it for good. 

This gave me the idea of how to structure my discoveries on ditching burnout for good. Now I am ready to support you in building your own burnout-free life based on authenticity, true personal values and your own path of the heart. 

I am happy to announce the new service that is the outcome of this work: 

Personal Alchemy: From Burnout to Balance for Introverts 

It consists of three packages of different length and extra care and spoils. In each of them, we go for a deep-dive analysis of the reasons for your burnout. We build together an individual action plan for finding your way out of it, and I continuously support you while you implement these changes. Both the coaching and the action plan are based on three magical areas of your life:

  • Healthy personal boundaries and self-care (with your family, loved ones, friends; with your co-workers, managers, suppliers, clients);
  • Tapping deep (and then deeper) into your spirituality;
  • Turning your home into a sanctuary of comfort, to help you recharge, keep your inner balance and encourage your creativity.

Thanks to many of you throughout the last months and years I realised something very important, I wish I knew it myself in my darkest times of burnout and despair: sometimes all it takes to get out of the black hole of burnout is to have someone listen to you, and tell you that you are not going crazy. 

Someone to guide you through the frightening steps from burnout to owning your power, potential, and creating a better life.

If you need to share about your burnout without getting judged, if you need to feel heard, understood, and supported, and you are absolutely convinced burnout is no longer an option in your life – I am here for you! 

Book a call with me, let’s have a talk and find together what would bring the best change for you from burnout to brilliance.

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